Powered Access Equipment Hire for the TV & Film and Events Industry

Traditionally, when we think of MEWPs like cherry pickers and scissors lifts we typically think of a construction setting. However, MEWPs are a very versatile piece of machinery that can be spotted in many different settings including the entertainment industry.

At Star Platforms, we offer a wide range of powered access equipment for the entertainment industry. Whether you’re installing lights at a football pitch or filming at height, we can help you find the perfect MEWP.

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Access Equipment and MEWPs: What’s the Difference?

24 October 2023

Back in the day, before the age of motors and ropes and ladders, people couldn’t reach areas of height. They could only simply look and dream of reaching those altitudes. Luckily around the 1930s, the first mobile elevating work platforms began to emerge. This 1930’s access equipment is far from our modern-day scissor lifts and […]

Is IPAF training a legal requirement?

12 October 2022

It is an inescapable fact that working at height can be risky. Every year the HSE publishes concerning statistics on accidents and injuries in the workplace that demonstrate just how dangerous it can be. In 2020 up to 50% of fatal workplace incidents in the construction industry were a result of falls from height. When […]

Entertainment industry mobile-elevating platform solutions

Our specifically selected fleet of MEWPs have been chosen to fulfil the needs required by the entertainment industry. We have a wide range of cherry pickers, scissor lifts and low-level platforms for purchase or hire that are suitable for a range of requirements.

TV & Film and Events powered access equipment frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of MEWPs in the entertainment industry?

MEWPS are a great alternative to using ladders of scaffolding when trying to create film sets, install lighting or filming easily and safely from height. A cherry picker lifts people up in a bucket which provides a safe, secure area for workers to stand. They are a great versatile, effective piece of machinery that allows workers to work more efficiently due to the wide range of height and positions.

Cherry pickers and other MEWPs can be used straight away and don’t require any set-up, saving time and money. The perfect choice if you’ve got a tight turnaround or budget.

What can MEWPs be used for in the entertainment industry?

MEWPs are versatile when used in entertainment as they help get people, tools, materials and equipment to height quickly and safely. There are used for a number of things in the entertainment industry, for example:

  • Filming from height.
  • Installing lighting, sport equipment and seating.
  • Creating film sets.
  • Installing signage and other hanging decorations.

MEWPs can be used in all areas of entertainment that require workers to be at height.

How to choose the right powered access solution for my requirements?

The type of powered access machine you need will depend on the project you are working on. If you’re working indoors then we have a number of electrical powered access machines which means there are no exhaust fumes being released into enclosed spaces.

We have a range of MEWPs for a variety of requirements for entertainment use, cherry pickers are a popular choice due to their versatility. If you are unsure of which powered access machine best suits your needs and requirements, then please get in touch.

Get in touch!

If you’re looking for a powered access platform for your next project whether it’s for purchase or hire, then please get in touch. Alternatively, explore the different types of powered access platforms, including scissor lifts, cherry pickers and low-level platforms.

Looking to hire or buy?

Talk to our experts today